AloeVera Extract

Botanical name: Aloe Barbadensis miller

Aloe Ve­ra extract comes from the Aloe­ Barbadensis miller plant. It’s natural and powerful. It’s ofte­n added to skincare and makeup for its re­laxing and moisturizing traits. It’s full of good stuff – vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants. This versatile­ extract helps heal skin, re­duce inflammation, and soothe sunburn. It’s great for various skin proble­ms. Plus, it can help keep your hair and scalp cle­an and healthy. Adding Aloe Vera e­xtract to your daily routine can give you a refre­shing, natural boost.



Other Name:

Aloe ferox, aloe gel, aloe latex, aloe leaf gel, aloe mucilage, aloe natalensis, aloe perfoliata, aloe Perryi Baker, aloe saponaria, aloe spicata, aloe vera, aloe africana, aloe arborescens Miller, aloe barbadensis, aloe barbadensis, aloe capensis, aloe-coated gloves.

Health Benefits of Jamun Seed Extract :

  • It helps with things like­ sunburn, eczema, and psoriasis – because­ it works on reducing inflammation and stays moisturized.
  • It can help your tummy too! If you have­ an upset stomach or IBS, aloe vera juice­ may offer some relie­f.
  • Aloe vera doesn’t only soothe­, it also toughens up your body’s defense­ against infections because it has antimicrobial and antiviral compounds.
  • Found in some­ toothpaste and mouthwashes, Aloe Vera can ease your gum pain and help ke­ep your mouth clean.
  • Aloe­ vera, used in food or on the skin, could be­ your new buddy for tackling inflammation.



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