St. John Wort Extract

St.John wort is a 1 meter long herbaceous perennial plant of H.Perforatum species and its leaves grow upto 1-2 cm in green yellow color. It can be found in Europe and Eastern Asia including India, America, Australia, New-Zealand, Canada, China and the United States.This herb has five petals and star shaped flowers. St. John Wort is used to make medicines for the treatment of cancer and many other diseases.

Other names for this herbal plant are popularized including Amber, Saynt Johannes Wort, Tipton Weed, Herbe Du Charpentier, Fuga Daemonum, Herbe A Mille Trous, Herbe De La Saint-Jean, Herbe Aux Mille Vertus, Amber Touch- And-Heal, Barbe De Saint-Jean, Chasse-Diable, Demon Chaser, Goat Weed, Hardhay, Hyperikon, Herbe Percee, Hypericum Perforatum, Hyperici Herba And Klamath Weed.



Benefits Of St. John Wort Extract:- 

  •   St. John Wort is used for the treatment of depression, loss of appetite,   anxiety, tiredness, loss of appetite and bad sleeping.
  •   It is used to treat heart palpitations, symptoms of menopause, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), ADHD and social phobia
  •   It has been used to quit smoking, chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and obsessive compulsive disorder.
  •   This extract can also be used to treat HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, brain cancer, nerve damage and nerve pain.
  •   St. John wort also helps in treating muscle pain, headache, weight loss, arteries, itching, bug bites, hemorrhoids.
  •   This extract is also used for manufacturing alcoholic beverages.
  •   It is also used to treat Sciatica, excitability, bruises and stomach pain.


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