Other Names:
Egypt Fenugreek, Trigonelle, Hu Lu Ba, Bockshornklee, Trigonella, Chandrika, Fenugreek, Fenugreek, Birds Foot, Greek Clover, Chandrika,Bockshorn Same, Methi, Greek Hay, Foenugraeci Semen, Methika, grain, Fenogreco, senegre, Trigonella Foenum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Trigonella foenugraecum, Woo Lu Bar and Alholva.
Health Benefits of Fenugreek Leaf Extract:-
- Fenugreek leaves are eaten raw as a salad, curry, paratha, and flavoring product in food and vegetables.
- Fenugreek is used to make medicine to treat inflammation, stomach upset and hardening of the arteries.
- It is also used for the treatment of obesity, high level cholesterol problems and diabetes.
- Fenugreek leaf extract helps in treating painful menstruation, triglycerides and heart health.
- It may be used for hernia, kidney diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome and constipation.
- It is also used for digestive problems like loss of appetite, erectile dysfunction and the problem of infertility in men.
- It is also used for promoting flow of milk in women while breast-feeding, baldness, cancer and tuberculosis.
- Foenum-Graecum helps in treating leg ulcers, wounds, and swelling, polycystic ovary syndrome and muscle pain.
- It is also used in decreasing the deficiency ailment named beriberi, boils, cellulitis, and chapped lips.
- This herbal extract can also be used to boost performance of exercise, treat eczema, poultice and cough.
- It is also used in cosmetic products such as soap, shampoo and creams.
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