Fenugreek Leaf Extract

Botanical Name:-Foenum-Graecum

Fenugreek is an herbal plant of Fabaceae family that grows in all parts and regions of the world including Pakistan, Argentina, Egypt, Spain, Turkey, India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Morocco, and Bangladesh.But in India, Fenugreek seed is an essential and significant ingredient in dishes. In India, it is cultivated in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. The seeds of Fenugreek are used to make medicines to treat many digestive and fungus related ailments. It is bitter in taste and smells like maple syrup. But it has a large collection of uses for human such as in cooking, medicine and many other uses.



Other Names:

Egypt Fenugreek, Trigonelle, Hu Lu Ba, Bockshornklee, Trigonella, Chandrika, Fenugreek, Fenugreek, Birds Foot, Greek Clover, Chandrika,Bockshorn Same, Methi, Greek Hay, Foenugraeci Semen, Methika, grain, Fenogreco, senegre, Trigonella Foenum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Trigonella foenugraecum, Woo Lu Bar and Alholva.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek Leaf Extract:-

  • Fenugreek leaves are eaten raw as a salad, curry, paratha, and flavoring product in food and vegetables.
  • Fenugreek is used to make medicine to treat inflammation, stomach upset and hardening of the arteries.
  • It is also used for the treatment of obesity, high level cholesterol problems and diabetes.
  • Fenugreek leaf extract helps in treating painful menstruation, triglycerides and heart health.
  • It may be used for hernia, kidney diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome and constipation.
  • It is also used for digestive problems like loss of appetite, erectile dysfunction and the problem of infertility in men.
  • It is also used for promoting flow of milk in women while breast-feeding, baldness, cancer and tuberculosis.
  • Foenum-Graecum helps in treating leg ulcers, wounds, and swelling, polycystic ovary syndrome and muscle pain.
  • It is also used in decreasing the deficiency ailment named beriberi, boils, cellulitis, and chapped lips.
  • This herbal extract can also be used to boost performance of exercise, treat eczema, poultice and cough.
  • It is also used in cosmetic products such as soap, shampoo and creams.



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